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What is Medic (Portable Water Treatment Stick)

MeDic is a portable water-pretreatment stick for making clean water or natutral water without a special water clean purifi-cation system for yourr health.

This product is the result of joint development with "The Institute of Fuctional Biomaterials and Biotechnology, Yonsei university" and can remove acidic waterss of body and active oxygens.

MeDic makes tap water changing to alkali ionic and reducing water. It can remove organic pollutants and heavy metals.

In addition, Medic contains specil materials releasing minerals which our body requires and special materials with sterilizing and deodorizing function for hearth.

Characteristics of Medic

- Ionizing the water to alkali water.

-Decrease of ORP by production of reducing water.

-Sterilization of bacteria and removement of unpleasant order.

-Releasing of mineral and removal of heavy metals in the water.

-Elimination of pollutants in the water.

-Minimizing and activaton of water molecule.

-Increasing of absorption and excretion of water in the body.

-Use anti-bacterial packing.

Usage of MeDic

1. First, wash MeDic throuth running tap water before use for a while because this product may contaion powders made during manufacturing process.

2. Fill 500ml water storage bottle with clean water of a water purifier or natural water on the market adequately and put MeDic into the bottle.

3. Shake the bottle lightly, and drink.

4. Refil the water bottle with purified water or natural water if you want.

Renewable method

If you renew this product once a month Medic can be used for about 1 year when you drink 250ml to 1.5L a day. The renewable method is ti soak Medic in the mixed solution(Vinegar:water = 1:1)for 30 minutes. And then you can use Medic after washing running tap water.


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